What does, “Getting a workout in” actually mean? This phrase to me implies that it’s a “chore” that must be squeezed in between everything IF possible. Which obviously a workout is work (it’s literally in the word), but can we reframe it as something sounding more like a priority and not just something we “fit” into our lives. Actually, can we do this for every area of our lives?
Instead of saying, “I have to do this,” ask yourself, “What am I making possible for myself by doing this?”. You are in control and creating the life you actually want. By reframing it this way, and examining the possibilities you make them personally relevant and are able to see how your actions serve your future self, instead of being a burden in the moment.
So what is working out unlocking for you? Endorphins, better focus, longevity, quality of life, a strong body including strong bones….choose your own adventure! Choose one relevant to YOU.
Who are you?
-You are someone who is diligent about taking care of your body, so working out aligns with your character.
-Meal prepping is not a chore; as an organized person it allows you freedom and the feeling of being structured and in control all week.
-You get things done! You have peace of mind because you do not procrastinate and work hard to promptly complete tasks, big or small.
I make _____ possible because I am someone who works hard at _______. Your identity is what you work to make it.
Everything you do contributes to something bigger… Don’t just get by- make it happen. Unlock and unblock possibilities.
-Coach Tish