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What are the real reasons you aren’t seeing the results you want when working towards a specific goal? Here are the things I would say to myself- maybe they resonate with you, too. Wanna know how to tell? How defensive do you get when you hear them?

You don’t need one more protein cheat sheet, or a bigger list of options. You already know the foods that are high in protein and you either like them or you don’t, or you will find ways to make them enjoyable because you understand the importance of getting enough protein in your diet and have committed to making it a priority. It’s not lack of knowledge holding you back- you know what to do! And if it is an information shortage, be proactive about asking or researching trusted sources. 

Maybe check your screen time before you make the excuse that you don’t have time to be active, attend class at the gym, or just make movement in general a priority. “I should go to the gym or at least get down on the floor and do some mobilization or foam rolling, and maybe just wiggle around like a child would” hmmmmmm, “let me just scroll through my email or social media first”. Nevermind, no time to workout (eye roll!!!!) PLEASE!

“I just want to get by and age gracefully”…Hold up! No, you want to age POWERFULLY & PURPOSEFULLY! Getting older is a privilege, as is getting to live this precious life in these miraculous bodies we have been given. STOP making aging an excuse and STOP fighting against it! Instead, learn the skills and do the work to optimize it.

“I don’t need to cause any problems by setting boundaries, or cutting certain people or things out of my life.” OR, how about having some honesty and integrity and staying true to yourself and your values! Not everyone in your life has to be on board with how you think or how you choose to live your life, but don’t tolerate disrespect. If something is truly important to you, the people you choose to have in your circle will support you, listen, and adjust if needed- just the way you would for them. If they don’t, well, you know what to do!

Don’t feel like moving, especially cardio or lifting heavy? You KNOW it’s immediate impact on mental health and if you’d just do it, no matter how hard you kick & scream or how indifferent you may feel at the moment, it will improve your mood instantly as well as aid you in decision making, make you resilient, and boost your creativity. Wanna heal your trauma- there’s a time and a place for inner work and sitting still perhaps, but right now you need to get up and do something hard! You need to get up and move!


Yourself (Coach Tish)

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